You will know when it exists -- Obscure journalism direct from our man on the ground.

Tuesday, 3 January 2012

RECURRING NIGHTMARE due to Magazine Publishing, Futures Assignment

(I think this is proof that third year at university may improve your intellect but worsen your psychological state.)

; of what emotion purports to be. A tale of interspecies love.

The year is 2083 and the human race has been split – not by war, racial divides or environmental catastrophe – but split of its own accord into two distinct sets.

Methods of communication between the two sets have become so inextricably different that only one conclusion can be drawn: there are now two separate human races. === Only one can remain top of the food chain.
Some say the changes began as early as the beginning of the 20th century with the advancement of electrical engineering... This is not the case. Noticeable changes have not been documented until 2012 my darling - up until this point the future may have been avoidable:
It was the activities of the anti-electronics group THE DOGZ that initiated the split. Before them no formal opposition to electronic technology and communications existed. And only by severing all participation with electronic communication could there have been The Second Set: Those who can conceive ways of doing things without running outcomes through The Database. Those who laugh at the idea of video tuition. Those who accept failure.
The boom in 3D printing in 2020 blurred the line between the digital and physical worlds to inexorable levels...
Self-replicating mechanical forms /
Worlds within desks
within worlds within desks /
The glow of isolation /
Digital interaction /
Printable food /
Printable people /
The word ‘Loneliness’ deleted from all dictionaries /
Printable partners /
The First Set unable to distinguish between those of themselves created biologically and those of themsevles they printed...
The Motherboard/

The year is 2083 and a rogue reporter from The Second Set investigates life inside The Motherboard where he falls in love with what resembles a woman.
What follows are his notes on abandoning manual labour like a pervert in a wardrobe:
An attempt to bridge the gap between the Blissfully Unaware who work with their hands and the Wireless Robots who access the digitized knowledge; of what emotion purports to be.
Who am I?

I trumpet jazz to accompany the puppet show. You knew me thirteen years ago.

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