(click here for part 1)
This morning I went to court wearing my best shirt, smart shoes and a suit. After waiting around for a few hours I finally got some answers and to my relief the case was dropped completely. No fines to pay & I AM FREE.
...What actually happened remains vague at best.
What the police report said: 7A.M. They were called to the address 7 Calle Italia by the man who lives there. He had walked into his bedroom and found me asleep in the bed. The police woke me. I did not want to leave. There was no sign of a forced entry. It is unknown to all involved how I came to be there.
What Sunil -- The Boss of Celebrity -- said: Himself, his friend Alan and I were at The Diner, he had a ham and cheese toastie then he and Alan went back to Gibralatar as I began walking home.
What I know: I finished work at 6A.M. I had a couple of whiskey-cokes, went to The Diner and the next thing I can recall is being in the police station being asked questions and asked to sign papers.
What makes this all so strange is that the house I allegedly 'trespassed' in was only a few doors down from my own address. I lived at 19 Calle Italia, the address where the police report identifies me as being asleep was 7 Calle Italia.
[Since taking photos I discovered that 7 Calle Italia does not exist... number 5 is adjacent to 9!!]
If anyone can make heads or tales of that then please let me know. I lay the blame, as ever, on Masonic Voodoo.
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