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Thursday, 1 December 2011

Prose Experiment; partially successful. Blog; bigger.

I'm a fan of Ernest Hemingway and I am also trying to get better at writing.

Sometimes people write too much and leave nothing to the imagination. Just alluding to something and letting the reader imagine the rest for themselves can sometimes be a satisfying device for both reader and writer.

Apparently Heminway was challenged to write a story in 6 words
and this was his response:
For sale: Babies shoes, never worn.

I thought I would give it a go. My first attempt was a bit iffy:
Reluctantly the Eskimo discarded the Goldfish.

The Guardian newspaper challenged contemporary authors to do the same here are some of my favourites:

Megan's baby: John's surname, Jim's eyes.
 (Simon Armitage)

"It can't be. I'm a virgin."
(Kate Atkinson)

Funeral followed honeymoon. He was 90.
 (Graham Swift)

If anyone reading this wants to have a go then I would enjoy to reading your outputs.

Here was the 2nd one I came up with (made into a picture because I just got my new computer and software up and running teehee.)

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